Behavior-driven development vs Acceptance test-driven development: Which testing methodology is better for Agile teams?

July 20, 2021

Who said testing can't be fun? Agile development is all about delivering better software in a shorter time. However, achieving that goal requires having the right testing methodology in place. But which one is better for Agile teams: Behavior-driven development (BDD) or Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)? In this blog post, we will compare both methodologies and let the numbers speak for themselves.

What is Behavior-driven development (BDD)?

BDD is a collaborative approach to software development that aims to align business and development needs through testing. It puts emphasis on defining and validating the behavior of software as the main objective of testing. BDD testing is done in plain language, making it easier for everyone, including non-technical team members, to understand and collaborate.

What is Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)?

ATDD is a testing methodology that involves the whole team in defining and validating acceptance criteria. It focuses on clear, concise, and testable requirements that must be met before a user story is considered done. ATDD helps in bridging the communication gap between business and development teams and assures that everyone has a shared understanding of what the software should do.

BDD vs. ATDD: A Comparison

Now that we've defined BDD and ATDD let's compare them side by side.

Communication and Collaboration

BDD emphasizes improved communication with business stakeholders and team members. On the other hand, ATDD also emphasizes improved communication but mostly between the development team and customers. However, both methodologies focus heavily on collaboration to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Writing and Maintenance

BDD relies on scenarios and examples to describe how software should behave, while ATDD relies on specific acceptance criteria. BDD tests can be time-consuming to create, given that they are scenarios and examples-based. However, once created, they are maintained easily. ATDD tests are faster to create, but maintaining them can be more challenging to maintain due to the use of specific acceptance criteria.

Test Coverage

BDD tends to test a broader scope of functionality as compared to ATDD. This is because BDD tests at the behavioral level, while ATDD tests individual requirements. BDD also includes negative tests, while ATDD focuses on positive or exception scenarios.


Both methodologies embrace automation in testing but approach it differently. BDD takes a more comprehensive approach to automation by using tools like Cucumber, Behave, and SpecFlow to write automated scenarios in plain language. ATDD typically involves writing automated tests in code, either from scratch or using a pre-existing framework.

Which testing methodology is better for Agile teams?

Both BDD and ATDD testing methodologies play a critical role in Agile development, and the choice depends on factors such as team size, project complexity, and technical knowledge. Some teams find BDD to be more engaging since it emphasizes user scenarios and storytelling. Meanwhile, others prefer ATDD, which emphasizes specific acceptance criteria.

Ultimately, it's up to your team to decide which methodology is the best for you. However, we can say that BDD is better for larger projects with a broader scope of functionality, while ATDD is better suited for smaller teams and projects with specific acceptance criteria.

And with that, we've come to the end of our comparison. Remember that whichever testing methodology you choose, the goal is to deliver quality software to users. Agile development is all about quick and continuous feedback to help you achieve that goal.


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